Vickers Tactical/TangoDown G43 +2 Magazine Extension
The new product – not yet available at the time this is written – is the Vickers Tactical/TangoDown "+2" magazine extension for the Glock 43 "micro" 9mm. We'd discussed the project that was ongoing when we were covering the Micro Glock pistols in the Fall of this year. I kept a hold on the G43 because I knew this was coming.
A few weeks ago, Jeff Cahill, the boss at TangoDown, sent along an email telling me that a "rapid prototype model (made by a 3D printer)" was going to be available for a first look. Made from a white composite, it is accurate from a dimensional aspect. Such 'proofs of concept' are used for final testing before production.
As to the finished form, "The kit will consist of the new magazine base, retainer and heat-treated stainless steel spring. The key element is the spring. Without a longer one like the one (TD) provide(s), you WILL experience lack of last-round lock back issues."
The prototype arrived – on a Glock 43 magazine -- and this is my experience.
It's just under 4 ½" tall compared to just under four inches for a Glock magazine with the factory extended floorplate. I loaded eight rounds in the magazine with no trouble. As usual with magazines generally, it got more difficult to load as it got full. It did not require a "magazine loader" type device – it just wasn't that difficult.
I did an 'in-battery' load – slide forward on a loaded chamber and pushed the magazine until it latched. It wasn't tough to do like some are. I fired nine rounds and the slide locked open.
With the slide in battery (closed) on an empty chamber, I inserted the loaded eight round magazine. I felt some drag on the slide when I racked it, but the round chambered fine and the gun locked into battery.
I turned the gun on its side, firing right side down and left side down ("Hollywood" fashion) not because that's how I'd choose to fire. It may be how I'd have to shoot if I was downed or disabled. I also mixed hollow-point and ball ammo, from 115 grains to 147 grains. There were no stoppages. The Micro-Glock ran just as it does with factory-supplied magazines.
The design appears robust – though I didn't disassemble the magazine.
The Glock 43 I have has the Streamlight TLR-6 laser/light combo installed. I put the G43+2 in the Simply Rugged Cuda holster. My concern was the magazine being too large with the +2. In a pocket holster, that could be true – but most users don't consider the G43 to be a pocket gun in the first place. I can see using the Simply Rugged Pocket Protector holster with a flat floorplate magazine in the Glock 43 and using the Glock/Vickers/TD +2 magazine for a spare.
The "+2" magazine extension kit (not supplied with the Glock magazine) is not ready yet, but keep an eye on the Tango Down
website. I'm sure they'll say something when they consider it ready.
We've reached the end of our publishing year. We've seen growth in this wire and in the wire properties generally – and we're very thankful for it.
We have a great crew working on our media products. Jim Shepherd with his vision and hard work, the behind-the-scenes crew in office and IT, our contributors including our star, Tiger McKee, and so many others. We'll be working over the break to ready our wires for the New Year.
I want to thank each and every one of you, our subscribers, our corporate members and our advertisers – and wish you the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of holiday seasons.
-- Rich Grassi