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The term "must-have" often describes hot new outdoor gear, from fishing rods and lures to boating essentials and camping supplies. But truly irrefutable "must-have" products are rare—until now.
Regardless of the adventure, GRAPLRZ® cutting-edge sunglass retainers are an essential companion for anyone outdoors. Whether on the water, in the mountains, or on the trail, GRAPLRZ provides unmatched durability and security to keep eyewear in place.
Designed for the most challenging conditions, GRAPLRZ is built for performance. Picture a high-speed ride across the lake—an unexpected wave sends a favorite pair of sunglasses airborne. With GRAPLRZ, there’s no fear of losing them. The anodized high-strength aluminum design ensures reliability when it matters most.
Proudly made in the USA, GRAPLRZ is engineered to be the toughest sunglass retainer system on the market. Featuring high-quality materials and a patented design backed by a lifetime warranty, GRAPLRZ is built for those who demand the best. From fishing and boating to rock climbing, horseback riding, and hiking, GRAPLRZ delivers the confidence that eyewear stays secure in any environment.
GRAPLRZ offers six styles: Original, Backcast, Adjustable, Original Youth, Backcast Youth, and Adjustable Youth. Each is constructed with a 7-strand stainless steel aircraft cable, PVC-coated for UV protection, and available in nine colors. An anodized, machined aluminum barb connects the wire and temple piece, secured with a knurled-point set screw for maximum grip. The temple piece, made of industrial-strength, heat-resistant silicone, is available in two sizes to accommodate virtually any eyewear frame.
GRAPLRZ is proud to announce its partnership with Source Outdoor Group, based in Gainesville, GA, as its Agency of Record. With a deep understanding of the outdoor industry, Source Outdoor Group will lead strategic marketing and public relations efforts to expand the GRAPLRZ brand and reach more outdoor enthusiasts nationwide.
“Source Outdoor Group not only has the skills and proven track record we look for in a partner, but also the drive to make their clients a success,” said Chad Yost, CEO of GRAPLRZ. “At GRAPLRZ, we believe in the team paradigm, and no one exemplifies teamwork like Source. We’re proud to have them on our team.”
“It’s a privilege for Source Outdoors to partner with GRAPLRZ, commented Aaron McCaleb, CEO of Source Outdoor Group. “With innovative products like those introduced to the market by GRAPLRZ, our team is looking forward to making sure they are a household name for everyone living the outdoor lifestyle.”
For more information on GRAPLRZ, visit www.graplrz.com.