JULY 6, 2021

Arizona: Ben Avery Shooting Facility to Ease Some Restrictions Tomorrow

PHOENIX — The Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF) has announced it will be making some changes to accommodate more recreational shooting customers on its rifle and pistol ranges effective Wednesday, July 7.

  • Almost all shooting tables will be available by online reservation. BASF no longer will be limiting customers to every other shooting table.
  • Up to four customers will be allowed at each shooting table. The previous limit was two customers per shooting table.
  • An online reservation for the main range must be made no later than 2 p.m. to ensure a shooting opportunity for the following day. For example, if a customer is planning to shoot Wednesday, a shooting time for that day (if available) must be reserved by 2 p.m. Tuesday.
  • The fee to shoot on the main range is being reduced by 50 cents, to $7 per shooter. The reduced price does not include targets, however. Targets, and eye and hearing protection, can be purchased in the shooting store. All customers are encouraged to arrive at the facility 30 minutes prior to their scheduled starting time to purchase or rent any necessary equipment.

In addition, BASF will begin to accept walk-in customers again, based on availability. BASF still encourages all customers to utilize the online reservation system at bookben.azgfd.com/.

“The reservation system has been extremely popular, with many customers appreciating the certainty that if they make a reservation for 9 a.m. on a Saturday that they won’t have to wait to get their shooting table and get started,” said Christopher Dean, range manager.

“Of course, some customers miss the ability to shoot all day, and we are working toward accommodating them. In the meantime, we wanted to get the shooting tables opened for families and others to enjoy recreating at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility.”

For more information about BASF, visit www.azgfd.com/Shooting/BASF or call 623-582-8313.


Dale Hajek, Public Information Officer

623-236-7215, dhajek@azgfd.gov