“The Hammerli Force B1 .22 Straight Pull Rifle is the arithmetic mean between utility gun and art,” begins Will Dabbs, MD in the Oct. GUNS cover story. “Running this nifty rig is a fresh new experience, even for a seasoned gun nerd like me.”
Made in Germany, the Force B1 is a straight pull, manually operated repeater easily convertible between .22 LR and .22 Win. Mag. It feeds from a 10-round rotary magazine and features an ergonomic stock with rubber inlays readily adjustable for length of pull and comb height. Dabbs concludes, “At 25 meters I could consistently cover my groups with a nickel. If I really paid attention, it became a dime.”
Those who tinker will agree working on guns can sometimes be less than joyful, and few things cause as much anxiety and frustration as trying to remove a stuck screw. Frank Jardim’s primer, “Removing Stuck Screws,” provides a series of steps to get through the perilous ordeal. Above all, he counsels, patience is key.
Atop the October firearms prize package is an S&W Model 1854 Traditional Walnut lever-action rifle chambered in .45 Colt. Features include a 19.25" barrel, adjustable XS Sights’ ghost ring rear sight and gold bead front sight, flat-face trigger design and removable magazine tube. The winner will also receive a Glow Fob tritium light and The Bohr fixed-blade knife, both from Glow Rhino. Valued at $1583.98, readers are encouraged to enter the free drawing by visiting GunsMagazine.com/giveaways.
Elsewhere in Oct. GUNS, Jeff “Tank” Hoover gets to play detective in the Think Tank column when a mystery gun’s caliber isn’t easily identifiable. Things have come a long way in 20 years, including handgun technology. Massad Ayoob explores the handgun scene of 2004, and how it compares to today’s. Holt Bodinson is sporting a nifty new shoulder, but curious minds will want to know: Can he still shoot? With some ingenuity and retraining his mind and muscles, he sure can. He shares his story in “The Shoulder-Replacement Shooter.”
Discover more content at GunsMagazine.com including the latest episodes of the GUNS Magazine Podcast as well as “Gun Cranks” on YouTube. Purchase the October issue of GUNS or order a subscription at fmgpubs.com. Digital versions are also available.