Liberty Ammunition is launching a ground-breaking 9mm self-defense round.
“Welcome to the future of pistol ammo,” said Gary Ramey, CEO of Liberty Ammunition.
Liberty Ammo has raised the bar again.”
Ramey added “Other brands re-package the same old easy-to-make and average ammo.
We focus on making the highest performing ammo.
Here is a slo-mo video of our latest 9mm, we call it the Pro Series:
Worth mentioning, this is the HARDEST HITTING 9mm on the market. And it is NOT +P.”
Stop by the Liberty Ammunition SHOT Show booth to learn more. Our SHOT Show Booth is #10265.
Information will also be released on the website during SHOT Show – www.libertyammo.com
When it comes to self-defense ammunition, Liberty ammunition leads the way.
About Liberty Ammunition
Liberty Ammunition is a leading USA manufacturer of self-defense ammunition for the consumer, law enforcement and government sectors.
Liberty is the lightest and fastest with all calibers exceeding the speed of sound.
The high speed creates a hydrostatic shock and the projectile ruptures at the bottom of the cavity, dumping all energy into the threat.
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